• AAMI ST98: Cleaning validation of health care products—Requirements for development and validation of a cleaning process for medical devices.
  • AAMI TIR12: 2020/(R)2023; Designing, Testing, And Labeling Medical Devices Intended For Processing By Health Care Facilities: A Guide For Device Manufacturers.
  • CDC Guidelines:
    • “Cleaning to remove debris and organic contamination from instruments should always occur before disinfection or sterilization.” CDC Summary, page 14
    • “If blood, saliva, and other contamination are not removed, these materials can shield microorganisms and potentially compromise the disinfection or sterilization process.” CDC Summary, Pages 14-15s
  • CDC Best Practices for Dental Handpieces: Best practices for cleaning and sterilizing dental handpieces to prevent cross-contamination.
  • OSAP (Now ADS) If Saliva Were Red: Highlights the common dental infection control and safety flaws, the cross-contamination DHCP would see if saliva were red, and how controlling contamination by using personal barrier protection, safe work practices, and effective infection control products, reduces the risk of exposure.
  • OSAP (Now ADS) Instrument Cleaning Checklist: Identifies recommended steps and procedures for chairside instrument cleaning and decontamination/cleaning areas.
  • RiteWipe Compatibility Study: This study evaluates the compatability of RiteWipe™ cleaning wipes with dental handpieces.
  • RiteWipe Efficacy Study: This study evaluates the efficacy of RiteWipe™ cleaning wipes in preparing dental handpieces for sterilization.
  • RiteWipe Toxicology Study: This study evaluates the safety profile of RiteWipe™.